
How to improve the user experience of your ECommerce

Not only do large companies set the tone for how things should be so that users feel happy; Also many examples of Inbound Marketing come from SMEs that know how to handle the Internet.

And it is precise that the Internet establishes many differences with respect to how things were handled in the offline world. Therefore, a good marketing plan could lead you on the right path to understanding that, in the end, those who set the tone are really the customers.

The user experience or UX, as it would be said with the English acronym, is one of the main aspects that determine the purchase decision of an online customer.

For this reason, a user is more likely to abandon a cart if the page takes hours to load, if there is a general lack of information, or if the page simply does not build trust.

Therefore, user experience is defined as the conglomerate of experiences that a customer receives in the process of using and enjoying your brand, even before entering your website.

This means that each interaction that the user has with your brand in all the channels that your company has, be it an online medium or even through the telephone, is part of the experience that your company has.

So good management of the user experience of your eCommerce includes an evaluation of the entire website, in order to make improvements that allow users to provide a unique and comfortable experience.

And it is that in the case of eCommerce, you should be interested in every interaction that your client has with your company online and the entire process that will lead to the purchase.

So, improving this user experience in your eCommerce consists of understanding what your customers want and need, what their expectations are, and solving each stage of the Buyer Journey.

Managing this aspect is essential for the growth of your eCommerce, and in the following lines you will find some keys to achieve it:

Complete product sheets

The product sheets of your eCommerce are the first thing your users will read. They must be as persuasive as possible to generate sales, but also very clear and explicit so that your user experience is good.

The image you use to publicize your product is very important, so if you need to make a montage, it should show your finished product.

In some cases, it is recommended that you post photos of people using your product, but you should always show various angles of what you are offering so that your users do not have any doubts about what they are purchasing.

Another important thing is that the price is sufficiently visible to users, including VAT and shipping costs. So your customers will not feel cheated when loading the product into the cart.

Likewise, the characteristics and specifications should be as detailed as possible and include the materials used to make the product, measurements, sizes, how many are left in stock, etc.

Fast page loading

Nobody likes to wait, especially in these times of content consumers who expect (and should be) that the Internet will answer their questions in the most immediate way possible.

It is proven that if your eCommerce loads very slowly, your users will leave the page. Part of offering a good experience consists of letting your clients access the information they require in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, if your page does not load in seconds, something is wrong. You should review it and make the necessary adjustments before you lose customers and go with your competitors.

Safety is a priority

Still, despite the advancement of many technologies, many people are reluctant to make purchases online because they do not have the possibility of trying the product in person before making a purchase.

In addition, many users leave an eCommerce site because it does not convey the confidence they need to deliver the required information, such as their full name and credit card details.

Therefore, and in order to improve the user experience, do not give your customers reasons to distrust your website. On the contrary, give them the assurance that your company is responsible.

For this, you can use the SSL security certificate which protects, through data encryption, the personal information that the eCommerce in question handles.

Be able to browse on all devices

Take into account that the usability of eCommerce is not only about having a responsive design but also that it is possible to access it through smartphones and tablets.

There are many people who make purchases through their mobile devices, and you must also provide them with a unique experience since the rates of these purchases grow as time passes.

Also consider having a simple design, with enough space, with buttons located where they need to be, that is legible but at the same time has the style and personality of your brand. Do not lose your essence so that, wherever your brand is, it is recognizable by your users.

Live chats

Many elements can make your users trust your eCommerce, but nothing will equal that you provide a live help service.

Knowing that your brand will be able to solve doubts and concerns to your customers in real-time definitely improves the experience of your users, and even more so if you offer them a personalized and special treatment.

In conclusion, it is essential to improve the user experience of your eCommerce not only by increasing sales, but also to create an online reputation that will attract quality users like a magnet.

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